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Yours Sincerely,
Aida xoxo

Thursday, October 4, 2012

..::Term 3 Holiday::..

Greetings and salutations to all of my blog readers  ^-^

As I've mentioned on this post's title....... It's Term 3 Holiday!!!!!!!! Yeay! Woohoo!
*It's supposed to be a good thing right? Hehe*

What have I been up to this holiday? I bet you guys are curious..
Well... There was only 2 plans during this holiday:

1) Trip to Wellington!
Which I went with my housemates.
We also went to the Tulip Festival over at the Botanical Gardens in Wellington.
The tulips were so prettyy!! (*-*)
Tulips in Botanical Garden
2) Studyyy!!!
Yeah, plan no. 2 is quite boring, I know. But it's necessary as I must say.
Final exams are coming in November and I must do my best~
And the solution is to study everydaaayy.
(Honestly, not everyday  >.<  I need to rest too!)

Ooh, not to forget! I also went to the Sakura Festival which was held In IPC on the 29th September and I had an awesome day! Again, pretty pink flowers!~

Sakura trees
(Photos credited to Kak Fairuz)

I think that is all for today!~
Thank you for reading!
(Even though I know that not many people will read this)

Love Aida~